WNSC Would like to thank all our sponsors for supporting the club

If you click on the logo's they will take you to there own websites, to find out more about them.

Program advert IGNITO A5 size

3 distribution




AP Race Clinic A5 size

PBM Group

Loubear Events

kitt video production



WNSC County Sponsor Pack

As a WNSC County Sponsor you will get:-

Your advert will be included on our “Proudly Supported By” advertisement page(s), attached to ALL our home based Gala programmes throughout the season.

Your company logo added to ALL our result sheets, displayed on our club notice boards and website.

Your advert will also be included in our Sponsors section on our website, which can be found at www.westnorfolksc.co.uk

A link to your website can also be provided.

WNSC District Sponsor Pack

As a WNSC District Sponsor you will get:-

Branding on our Club Notice Boards ie. Company logo / advert.

Full Page Gala programme advertisement within our entire home based gala programmes.

Your company logo added to ALL our result sheets, displayed on our club notice boards and website.

Your advert will also be included in our Sponsors section on our website, which can be found at www.westnorfolksc.co.uk

A link to your website can also be provided.

WNSC National Sponsor Pack

As a WNSC National Sponsor you will get a fully customised sponsorship package, which can include any of the following:-

The privilege of being the headline sponsor for one of the Clubs main championships (Club Champs, and WNSC Open).

Banner advertisement at ALL our galas / competitions (home & away – where allowed).

Full-page Programme advertisement space relating to the relevant championship.

Newspaper coverage and an invitation to present the medals and trophies.

Company logo included on Coaching Staff shirts, worn during sponsored championship and throughout the year.

Advertisement included on our “Proudly Supported By” advertisement pages, in ALL our home based Gala programmes throughout the season.

Branding on our Club Notice Boards ie. Company logo / advert.

Distribution of company leaflets / flyers during ALL home based galas and competitions.

Your advert will be also included as a headline sponsor on our Websites Results and Sponsor Pages (www.westnorfolksc.co.uk). A link to your website can also be provided.

All of the packages can be tailored to suit individual enterprises.

There is also a one off opportunity for annual sponsorship of the Main scoreboard at St James pool which would result in your logo being visible to members of the public whenever the swimming pool is in public use.  Due to its high visibility we shall treat this as a separate opportunity and are of course willing to listen to suggestions.


For further details please contact sponsorship@westnorfolksc.co.uk